Where can I find out more?
General public information on climate change
Website hosted by Environment Canterbury and containing a wide range of information on climate change:
Download climate change risk assessment relating specifically to Canterbury and South Canterbury
Technical summary 3 February 2022, Canterbury Climate Change Risk Assessment, Prepared for the Canterbury Mayoral Forum
Aotearoa New Zealand’s First Emissions Reduction Plan
Aotearoa New Zealand’s first emissions reduction plan sets the direction for climate action for the next 15 years. It lays out targets and actions we will take to meet those targets. These will be across every part of government and every sector of the economy from transport, energy, building and construction, waste, agriculture and forestry:
Aotearoa New Zealand’s First National Adaptation Plan
Aotearoa New Zealand’s first national adaptation plan contains strategies, policies and actions that will help New Zealanders adapt to the changing climate and its effects – so we can reduce the potential harm of climate change, as well as seize the opportunities that arise:
Detailed international information on the physical science basis of climate change
Climate Change 2021 – The Physical Science Basis - Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, endorsed by 198 countries
The recommendations to Government by the New Zealand Climate Change Commission
New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions compared to other countries
New Zealand Ministry for the Environment comparison of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions compared to other countries:
Climate change and the primary industries
Climate change affects all producers (farmers, growers, foresters, fishers), the communities that support them, and the broader New Zealand economy. Find out about climate change and the actions the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is taking.
Waste Strategy
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SSP-RCP scenarios
Climate Education Resources
Canterbury Climate Change Risk Assessment
Canterbury Climate Change Risk Assessment - Canterbury Mayoral Forum
National climate change risk assessment for New Zealand - Main report
National climate change risk assessment for New Zealand - Main report | Ministry for the Environment