Recreational Track Grant
The Recreational Track Grant is open for groups to develop new tracks and maintain and improve existing tracks. This is currently funded at $20,000 per annum.
Applications for the grant are now OPEN.
Click here for the application form.
Applications close at 12pm on Monday 24 February 2025
Applications to the Waimate District Council Recreational Track Grant must:
- Be for projects that take place in the Waimate District
- Be for track signage, GIS mapping and/or
- Be for development of new recreational tracks, and/or
- Improvement of existing tracks, and/or
- Maintenance of existing tracks
If a new track is being developed demonstrate that:
- The new track will be maintained
- The tracks being developed must be publicly accessible
- Identify the community benefit that will result
- Be collaborative in nature and demonstrate community support
Conditions of assistance
- The projects for which grants are sought must be capable of completion within one year of receiving the grant. Refunds may be requested if the project is not completed within the one year.
- Applicants will be asked for proof of their project being finalised by completing an accounability form (see below).
- Future applications will not be considered by Council unless a project accountability form has been completed by the original applicant for previous funding within two months of project completion.
- Applications must include two (2) written quotes.
- Applicants may be requested to supply additional information.
The Recreational Track Grant does not provide funding for:
- Administration costs
- Salaries
- On-going operational costs eg office rental
- Costs that cannot be verified with appropriate quotes
- Activities that have already begun and/or been completed (unless of a staged nature)
- Fundraising activities
Further information
For assistance in applying for a Recreational Track Grant please contact the Grant Administrator at or +64 3 689 7771.
Grant accountability
Please complete the Grant Accountability form within two months of project completion, or within a year of funds being allocated, or before your next application for funding.
If the project is not completed within one year of receiving the grant, Waimate District Council may request unspent funds to be returned.
Please use the form for all expenditure relating to your grant.
Click the button below to complete the form.