Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024-2030
At an Extraordinary Meeting on Tuesday 9 July Council approved the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024-2030.
The Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan sets out the direction for the Waimate District in relation to waste activities for the next six years. The plan is a guiding document which identifies Council’s vision, goals, objectives, targets and methods for achieving effective and efficient waste management and minimisation.
Council is seeking community input into the Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024-2030 and explore ideas to realise our vision for the future of waste management within our region.
Our vision for the future of waste management is that:
“By 2050, the South Canterbury Region is a low-emissions, low-waste society built upon a circular economy.”
Our waste in numbers

What are we proposing?
Council is proposing ambitious waste minimisation targets for 2030 to align with the New Zealand Waste Strategy (NZWS):

How do we get there?
Promote upstream waste hierarchy and circular economy principles
A ‘circular economy’ is a system where extracted materials are used and reused for as long as possible. For technical or synthetic materials, the ideal scenario is that they are reused forever. Organic materials will eventually be returned to the soil to enrich it.
To encourage behavioural change and support the community to develop their own initiatives, there are opportunities for Council to strengthen its public awareness campaigns such as through its education provided by EnviroNZ.

Recover more from kerbside waste streams
A waste audit in the district in 2022 showed that more than a third of our refuse could be diverted from landfill, mostly organics.

Better service to rural and business customers
Some rural and business customers do not currently have access to a comprehensive four-stream collection service like urban residents. There is an opportunity to divert more by looking at enabling access to similar levels of service.
Support diversion activities for construction & demolition (C&D) waste from landfill
Residual waste from Waimate, including C&D waste, is taken to Redruth Landfill in Timaru for disposal. Council will investigate sub-regional C&D waste recovery options, while working with local C&D businesses to develop and deliver targeted education programmes to promote awareness of how to divert waste.
Consultation Document
The consultation document includes further information about the proposal to enable residents to make an informed decision.
Supporting information
You can read the full Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024-2030 here.
Key dates
Submissions open: | Tuesday 28 May 2024 |
Submissions close: | 9am on Monday 1 July 2024 |
Submission hearings: | Tuesday 9 July 2024 |
Notification of decision: | Wednesday 10 July 2024 |