Council and Committees
Council Meetings
Ordinary Council Meetings
Ordinary Council Meetings undertake decision-making business. Council meetings also include public forums and citizenship ceremonies, when required, and any other relevant Mayoral presentations.
Chair | Mayor Craig Rowley |
Deputy Chair | Councillor Sharyn Cain |
Membership | All Councillors |
Frequency | Monthly |
Extraordinary Council Meetings
Extraordinary Council Meetings undertake urgent decision-making business. Extraordinary Council Meetings include only the urgent business, reasons for urgency, and not the usual Ordinary Council Meeting reports and business.
Chair | Mayor Craig Rowley |
Deputy Chair | Councillor Sharyn Cain |
Membership | All Councillors |
Frequency | As required |
Council Workshops
Open Workshops
Open Workshops are an informal forum for staff to bring information items or presentations to Council which, if undertaken at a Council meeting, could take a significant amount of time, and therefore restrict other business from being transacted.
No decisions or resolutions are made. Brief agendas are prepared and available on the Agendas and Minutes page.
There are no legal requirements relating to a quorum and Standing Orders do not apply.
Members of the public are welcome to attend but do not have speaking rights.
Guided by | Mayor Craig Rowley |
Membership | All Councillors |
Frequency | Monthly |
Closed Workshops
Closed Workshops are held occasionally, usually following Council Meetings, or Open Workshops in order for Council to discuss or receive information that is confidential due to various reasons. Often there is a need to hold Closed Workshops while Council is discussing the Annual Plan, Long Term Plan, budgets, negotiations or sensitive information.
Guided by | Mayor Craig Rowley |
Membership | All Councillors |
Frequency | As required |
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance to the Council on the risks, control, compliance framework and its external accounting responsibilities. This Committee is advisory only and should not assume any management functions or make decisions that are the statutory responsibility of the Chief Executive.
Independent Chair | Damien Hogue |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor Sharyn Cain Councillor Tom O’Connor Councillor Rick Stevens |
Frequency | Quarterly |
Chief Executive's Performance Review Committee
The Chief Executive's Performance Review Committee is responsible for undertaking and recommending to Council all matters pertaining to the annual performance review of Councils Chief Executive.
Chair | Deputy Mayor Sharyn Cain |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor Sharyn Cain Councillor Tom O’Connor Councillor Colin Pankhurst |
Frequency | Annually or as required |
Waimate District Council Appeal Panel
The Waimate District Council Appeal Panel has the power to receive objections as defined in the Dog Control Act:
- 1996, primarily Barking Abatement Notices, Menacing Classifications, Dangerous
- Dog Classification Disqualified Owner Classification and Probationary Owner Classification.
As at 28 March 2023, this Committee has not met since the Local Body Elections.
Chair | To be determined once Panel meets |
Deputy Chair | To be determined once Panel meets |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor Sharyn Cain Councillor Peter Collins |
Frequency | As required |
District Licensing Committee
The Timaru, Mackenzie and Waimate District Licensing Committees (DLCs) are responsible under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and its regulations, in the respective districts.
Functions of the DLC include:
- Determining applications for licences, managers’ certificates and renewals;
- Determining temporary authority applications;
- Varying, suspending or cancelling special licences;
- Referring applications to Alcohol Regulatory & Licensing Authority (ARLA);
- Conducting inquiries and making reports as required by ARLA; and
- Other functions conferred on it by any Act.
As at 28 March 2023, this Committee has not met since the Local Body Elections.
Chair | To be determined once Committee meets |
Deputy Chair | To be determined once Committee meets |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor Sandy McAlwee Councillor Lisa Small |
Frequency | As required |
Waimate Community ANZAC Group
The Waimate Community ANZAC Group is responsible for facilitating the annual Waimate Community ANZAC Service, and assist alongside the Waimate RSA with the promotion and management of other ANZAC services.
Chair | Mayor Craig Rowley |
Deputy Chair | Bridget Wilson |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor Colin Pankhurst Red Cross Representative Service Group Representative Ministers Association Representative Waimate High School Representative Waimate RSA Representatives (two) |
Frequency | As required to
organise and facilitate the
annual Waimate
Community ANZAC Civic Service |
Waimate District Civic Awards Committee
The Waimate District Civic Awards Committee is responsible for the receiving, assessment and granting of approval for Council’s annual Civic Awards.
Chair | Janice Mehrtens |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor Peter Collins Service Clubs Representatives (two) Community Representatives (two) Rūnanga Representative |
Frequency | As required to
organise and facilitate the annual
Waimate District Civic Awards function |
Grant Committees
Creative Communities Scheme Committee
Administered by Council on behalf of Creative New Zealand the Committee is responsible for the assessment of applications and distribution of funds.
Chair | Jane Bell |
Deputy Chair | Ina de Paauw-Fontein |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Councillor John Begg Community Representatives Rūnanga Representative |
Frequency | Six monthly basis - usually in April and October |
WDC Community & Sports Grants Committee
Administered by Council on behalf of Sport New Zealand the Committee is responsible for the assessment of applications and distribution of funds from Council’s Community and Sports Grant and the Rural Travel Fund Scheme.
Chair | Hazel Fish |
Deputy Chair | Jayne Smith |
Membership | Mayor Craig Rowley Sport South Canterbury Representative Community Representatives Rūnanga Representative |
Frequency | Six monthly basis - usually in May and November |
Heritage Grant
Grant applications are taken directly to Council to make decisions.
Recreational Track Grant
Grant applications are taken directly to Council to make decisions.
Council Rural Water Scheme Committees
The Rural Water Scheme Committees’ objective is to represent the needs and aspirations of the consumers in the provision of an adequate and wholesome water supply. The role of the Scheme Committee is to make recommendations to Council for its approval.
Hook Waituna Water Supply Committee
Chair | Alister Boyce |
Membership | Councillor Sandy McAlwee (Councillor Tom O’Connor as back up) Water Scheme Users |
Frequency | At least six monthly |
Waikakahi Water Supply Committee
Chair | Keith Adams |
Membership | Councillor Colin Pankhurst Water Scheme Users |
Frequency | At least six monthly |
Cannington-Motukaika Water Supply Committee
Chair | Darryl Fowler |
Membership | Councillor Sandy McAlwee (Councillor Tom O’Connor as backup) Water Scheme Users |
Frequency | At least six monthly |
Otaio-Makikihi Water Supply Committee
Chair | Ross Rathgen |
Membership | Councillor Tom O’Connor (Councillor Sandy McAlwee as backup) Water Scheme Users |
Frequency | At least six monthly |
Waihaorunga Water Supply Committee
Chair | James Gibson |
Membership | Councillor Colin Pankhurst Water Scheme Users |
Frequency | At least six monthly |
Lower Waihao Water Supply Committee
There is no current committee.