Whitehorse Big Easy
Pursuant to the Local Government Act 1974 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Waimate District Council for the purpose of permitting
The Veterinary Centre WHITEHORSE Big Easy
to hold the Big Easy Cycle/Running/Walk event proposes to close the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic for the period indicated hereunder.
Any person wishing to object to the proposals is to lodge notice of their objection, in writing, before Friday 18 January 2019 at the office of the Council, Queen Street, Waimate.
Date of Closure Sunday 24 February 2019 from 8.30am to 3.00pm
Roads proposed to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic:
- Mount John Road (Eric Batchelor Place-Hodges Road)
- Hodges Road (SH82- Mount John Road)
- Hillary Street (Queen Street – Naylor Street)
- Naylor Street (Betten Street – Hillary Street)
- Garland Road (Mill Road – Point Bush Road)
- Point Bush Road (to End)
- Betten Street (to End)
- Garlands Road (Point Bush Road to Mill Road)
- Centrewood Park Road (500m from carpark)