Newsline 13 March 2025

Mayor's Column
Hello and welcome to another edition of Newsline.
With February behind us, like many of you, Council is back into the full swing of things and looking ahead to what will be another busy year. It will certainly be challenging but myself, your elected members and Council staff will do everything to ensure the best outcomes for the district while keeping you informed.

An Adventure I’ll Never Forget
Danielle Woods was nominated for a scholarship by the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) and Waimate District Council to attend Outward Bound’s 21-day Mind Body Soul course in January 2025.

Council Reviews Representation on External Groups
The Mayor and elected members are appointed to several external groups and organisations in addition to usual Council-related activities. These appointments generally act as liaisons between the approved organisations/groups and Council to ensure robust communication, a working relationship and help with the periodic review of Council’s involvement to ensure that elected members’ time and effort are used effectively.

Creative NZ Communities Grant
Council invites applications for financial assistance from clubs, groups and organisations within the Waimate District for the Creative NZ Communities Grant.

Long-Standing Council Representative Resigns from Committee
At the January Council Meeting, Council formally acknowledged the resignation of Bill Wright, Waimate and Mackenzie District Councils’ joint representative on the Downlands Joint Standing Committee.