Newsline 10 October

Mayor's Column
Hello and welcome to another edition of Newsline. One of the Mayor’s roles that I enjoy most is the opportunity to celebrate some of the volunteers and contributors to our district.
Nominations are open for the 2025 Annual Civic Awards, and I would encourage you to think about whether there is someone you know who deserves recognition for the effort they put into our community.

Seddon Square Toilets Open For Business
If you blinked, you might have missed the installation of the new toilet block in Seddon Square.
The project was finished in late September, taking only three weeks to install. The new Exeloo facility boasts six cubicles. Five of these will be open between 6am and 9pm, and one will remain open 24 hours a day.

Get Council News And Alerts Directly To Your Inbox
Since NotifyMe was launched in August, more than 230 people have signed up to receive Council alerts, news and important information.
With NotifyMe, you can choose which type of message you would like to receive and how you would like to stay informed—whether through text, email, or both—giving you control over how you receive important information.

Contacting Council Made Easy
The Council has updated its website to simplify how people can reach out.
Previously, there were separate forms for enquiries, feedback, reporting issues, and official information requests.
Now, the new “Contact Us” form merges all of these into one.