The speed limit around St Patrick’s School has been reduced to 30km/h, following a decision made at the Ordinary Council Meeting in June. This change was prompted by a request from the school’s Principal.
Originally, St Patrick’s School was not included in public consultation on the Draft Interim Speed Management Plan due to its small student population and off-road carpark. However, with the increase in student numbers and senior students using the footpath to walk to weekly events, the need for a reduced speed limit became evident. Teachers and students had observed that drivers often did not slow down, even when children were waiting to cross the road.
Council also considered the proximity of the Rural Scholars Childhood Learning Centre. As a result, the 30km/h speed limit now applies along Cameron Street, covering both schools.
This change is part of Council’s Speed Management Plan, which aims to enhance the safety and wellbeing of the community, particularly in high-risk areas like school zones.