The design and installation of an underpass is the responsibility of the property owner. Before any work is undertaken please contact the Roading team at or call +64 3 689 0000 to ensure all information is obtained.
A Deed of Grant agreement must be signed for the construction and use of a stock underpass.
Underpass Design
A professionally designed structure is essential to meet the requirements of Council, the road user and the farmer for the particular site involved.
Design and construction of stock underpasses
- Be a high standard
- Prepared by a suitably qualified person such as a consulting engineer
- Follow a rigorous design, construction and sign-off process
- Particular attention is required to the management of water on site
- A Building consent or exemption must be obtained
As well as technical details for the underpass structure, the design shall clearly show:
- the layout of stock access and egress
- any fencing and/or barriers at road level
- Any utilities present at the site (power, telephone, water etc)
Plans and information required
- Locality design showing the location of the underpass in relation to the nearest intersection or RAPID number
- Site plan, longitudinal section of road and through the underpass detailing the following:
- Location of legal road boundaries, road fences, power poles, buildings and dwellings, etc
- Details of handrails, safety fence
- Gradients and location of approach races, fences, location of top and bottom of batters etc
- A soil or geotechnical report on the underpass sub-base
Length of underpass
The Underpass shall be of sufficient length for a minimum road width between kerbs as follows:
(> 150 vehicles per day) 12 metres
(<150 vehicles per day) 9 metres
Traffic management plan
The underpass contractor must submit a Temporary Traffic Management Plan and Road Opening Notice to Council for approval.
A road can be closed if a suitable detour is available. The contractor must apply for the closure at least two (2) weeks before the intended closure to allow for public notification.
The detour must be sign-posted and affected parties notified. The applicant will be liable for the cost of advertising.