Vehicle access and crossings

Any type of vehicle access must meet acceptable standards for road safety and must not place road users and users of the accessway at risk of injury.
All vehicle accesses are to be designed, constructed and maintained to ensure that:
- They are able to be used in all weather conditions
- They have no adverse impact on the roadside drainage system
- Surface water and detritus (including gravel and silt) does not migrate onto the road pavement
Complete the Vehicle access application form (below) and return to Council. If you are planning to construct a kerb and channel, please complete the Kerb crossing application form (also below).
Vehicle access application form
Kerb crossing application form
What is a vehicle access or crossing?
It is the section of driveway that connects the front property boundary to the road and includes any culvert under the access.
Who is responsible for the vehicle access?
The initial construction, including cost, is the property owner’s responsibility. It must, however, be constructed to Council’s standards.
Kerb and channel crossings
The construction of vehicle access over the kerb, channel and footpath will be arranged by Council. The construction cost is the property owner’s responsibility.Council will maintain the kerb and channel crossing and berm pavement up to the property boundary.
Sub-standard vehicle crossings
There are a number of reasons why some vehicle crossings may be substandard, eg negligence, lack of awareness or historical. If a vehicle crossing is found to be substandard the necessary upgrading is at the owner/occupier’s expense.
The property owner shall maintain the access from the property boundary up to the edge of the carriageway or edge of seal, including the culvert. This includes stopping gravel and other debris from moving onto the road surface.
Safe position
Vehicle crossings need to be installed in a safe position leading on to the road with aspects such as visibility of oncoming traffic considered. Vehicle crossings also protect the community’s assets – the roads, berms and drains.
For more detailed information for contractors please go to this page.
Examples of non-complying access