Waimate District Council Rubbish Collection and RRP Update
Rubbish collection will go ahead as usual, and will continue thought the Level 4 restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recycling will cease (both curb side and Resource Recovery Park) from today until further notice. Recycling is to be placed in your red bin please. Please note, recycling will not be collected at all.
The Resource Recovery Park will be open every Thursday during the Level 4 restrictions from 10.30am to 4.30pm until further notice. The Resource Recovery Park will only accept up to three standard rubbish bags of house hold domestic waste (60 litres) and the bags must be tied.
Please note, NO large loads, construction loads, hard fill, green waste, spring cleaning loads or recycling is to be bought to the Park on these days. If you do so, you will be denied access to the Park.
If there are any issues with collection of refuse bins ie, missed bins, please ring 0800 359 1221.