Any subdivision in the Waimate District requires a consent from Council. The consent process will take into consideration services and activities necessary to have a well-functioning property. These include:
- Roads
- Water supply
- Sewage disposal
- Energy
- Telecommunications
- Stormwater
- Trade waste
When evaluating the planned subdivision there are also other matters to be considered including the provision of open spaces and recreation, avoiding or mitigating natural hazards and enhancing or maintaining heritage values.
Council planners will also look at esplanade reserves and strips, and access strips (eg pieces of land) that allow access to rivers, waterways and coastlines).
District Plan
The District Plan sets the rules for subdivisions, including minimum lot size, activities, and impacts for the different zones. There are seven (7) zones:
- Rural
- Residential 1
- Residential 2
- Residential 3
- Business 1
- Business 2 (Mixed Business)
- Business 3 (Industrial)
Minimum lot size for subdivision
Residential 1
| 150m², 360m², 450m² or 850m² where public sewage treatment and reticulation is not available
Residential 2
| 3,000m²
Residential 3
| 5,000m²
| 4 hectares or 200 hectares within Outstanding Natural Landscapes and Features
| No minimum lot size
The subdivision process
If you are thinking about subdividing it is recommended that you contact Council in the first instance to discuss your project and Council can provide some guidance and information.
The subdivision is a two-stage process (see the diagrams below):
Stage one