Newsline 12 September 2024

Mayor's Column
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Newsline. I would like to start by expressing my sadness at the passing of former Councillor David Anderson. David was a popular and well respected member of the Waimate District who gave so much to the urban and rural community over many years.

Heritage Grant For Knox Church
Council has approved a $1,000 Heritage Grant for the Waimate Knox Presbyterian Church ahead of its 150th anniversary.
The funds will be used to print 150 books detailing the history of the church, which will be distributed to attendees at the 150th anniversary celebrations on 21 and 22 September.

Reminder to Dog Owners
Waimate District Council has received several recent complaints relating to dogs being off leash in Garlands and Naylors Tracks, places not designated dog exercise areas.
Council stresses that under the Dog Control Bylaw, all public places in the Waimate District are classified as controlled public areas, where dogs may go when on a leash.

Grants Committee Refresh
New community representatives were appointed to the Creative NZ Communities Scheme and the Community and Sports Committees at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 20 August.
The two committees administer grants to individuals and groups on behalf of Council. The committees are generally refreshed every three years, and in July Council advertised for members of the community who had an interest to put their names forward.

Did You Know? - LGOIMA
Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (or LGOIMA for short), any person, group or organisation may request information held by any local government agencies, including our Council.