Hello and welcome to another edition of Newsline. I would like to remind you that nominations for the 2025 Waimate Civic Awards are closing soon. As part of my job, I am fortunate to attend many events, productions, support groups and community initiatives. These are mostly organised by people who generously give up their time to make our town better.
The Civic Awards are a chance to say thank you to those people who do not ask for recognition, but certainly deserve it. Nomination forms are available from Council’s website, main office, Library and Information Centre, so make sure you get it in before the deadline of 12pm on Wednesday 13 November.
A new feature Council has been working on ‘Let’s Chat Waimate District’, launched last week, making it easier for us to consult the public.
We are currently using it to gauge the community’s sentiment on the proposed waste-to-energy plant. While the decision on whether it goes ahead or not is out of our hands, we hope to be able to make a submission as one of the affected parties.
The survey is now live, and we want to get your feedback so please sign up and have your say.
Until next time, take care.